Sunday, June 28, 2015

Powershell Script - Compare-SourceFiles - source code comparison between environments (prod, bcp, qa, dev)

I just built this little script this weekend while troubleshooting a release. We needed a way to compare the code between different environments as well as compare folder permission security within environments on different nodes in the farm. This function does exactly that, producing a nice report (use -ReportFile to output to a file as well) used to prevent change drift and environment variance. If the files are text files, a line by line comparison is also generated should the file hashes be different, which shows specific lines that are different. Binary files are still flagged as different should their MD5 hashes be different. When checking ACLs, effective file permissions are displayed for each source which can speed up troubleshooting permissions issues.

PS c:\> Compare-SourceFiles -Source1 \\server1\c$\prod -Source2 \\server2\c$\dev -ACLs

WARNING: Files missing from '\\server1\c$\prod': 3

WARNING: File Hash different: '\a.exe'

WARNING: ACL Access Permissions different: '\a.exe'
   File Permissions: '\\server1\c$\prod\a.exe'

FileSystemRights AccessControlType IdentityReference      IsInherited InheritanceFlags PropagationFlags
---------------- ----------------- -----------------      ----------- ---------------- ----------------
     FullControl             Allow BUILTIN\Administrators       False             None             None
     FullControl             Allow NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM          False             None             None
     FullControl             Allow DOMAIN\User1                 False             None             None

   File Permissions: '\\server2\c$\dev\a.exe'

           FileSystemRights AccessControlType IdentityReference                IsInherited InheritanceFlags PropagationFlags
           ---------------- ----------------- -----------------                ----------- ---------------- ----------------
                FullControl             Allow BUILTIN\Administrators                 False             None             None
ReadAndExecute, Synchronize             Allow Everyone                               False             None             None
        Modify, Synchronize             Allow NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users       False             None             None
                FullControl             Allow NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                    False             None             None

WARNING: File Hash different: '\connection.log'

InputObject                                                                                    SideIndicator
-----------                                                                                    -------------
2/16 16:02:39.744  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK                       =>                  
2/16 16:02:39.946  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_AUTHENTICATING result: LOGIN_OK                   =>           
2/16 16:02:40.128  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CHECKINGVERSIONS result: LOGIN_OK                 =>           
2/16 16:02:40.205  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_HANDSHAKING result: LOGIN_OK                      =>           
2/16 16:02:40.375  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_AUTHENTICATED result: LOGIN_OK                    =>           
2/16 16:02:40.375  ClientConnection Initiating: COP_CONNECT code=CSTATUS_CONNECTING            =>           
2/16 16:02:40.708  ClientConnection Completed: COP_CONNECT code=RESPONSE_CONNECTED result=TRUE =>           
2/16 16:02:40.724  ClientConnection Initiating: COP_AUTHENTICATE code=CSTATUS_AUTHENTICATING   =>           
2/16 16:02:41.311  ClientConnection Completed: COP_AUTHENTICATE code=AUTH_OK result=TRUE       =>           
2/16 16:02:41.780  ClientConnection Initiating: COP_GET_CHARACTERS code=43                     =>           
2/16 16:02:42.286  ClientConnection Completed: COP_GET_CHARACTERS code=44 result=TRUE          =>           
2/16 16:02:59.661  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK                     =>           
2/16 16:03:03.816  ClientConnection Initiating: COP_LOGIN_CHARACTER code=77                    =>           
2/16 16:03:04.237  ClientConnection Completed: COP_LOGIN_CHARACTER code=78 result=TRUE         =>           
2/16 16:01:53.409  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK                       <=           
2/16 16:02:14.449  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_CONVERSION_REQUIRED          <=           
2/16 16:02:14.453  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_CONVERSION_REQUIRED          <=           

WARNING: File Hash different: '\cpu.log'

InputObject                                                                         SideIndicator
-----------                                                                         -------------
2/16 16:02:30.896  vendor: 1                                                        =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  features: 00000397                                               =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  cores: 2                                                         =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  threads: 4                                                       =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  vendor id string= GenuineIntel                                   =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  standard (13): 1b=02100800 1c=7FDAFBBF 1d=bfebfbff 4a=1C004121   =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  extended (8): 1c=00000021 1d=2c100000 8c=00000000                =>           
2/16 16:02:30.896  processor brand string= Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz =>           
2/16 16:01:42.716  vendor: 1                                                        <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  features: 00000397                                               <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  cores: 2                                                         <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  threads: 4                                                       <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  vendor id string= GenuineIntel                                   <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  standard (13): 1b=00100800 1c=7FDAFBBF 1d=bfebfbff 4a=1C004121   <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  extended (8): 1c=00000021 1d=2c100000 8c=00000000                <=           
2/16 16:01:42.716  processor brand string= Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz <=           

File Source Comparison Summary

Path              FileCount MissingFiles SharedFiles DifferentHashes DifferentACLs
----              --------- ------------ ----------- --------------- -------------
\\server1\c$\prod         3            3           3               3             1
\\server2\c$\dev          6            0           3               3             1

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